English Support

Ranking calculation

How is your ranking calculated? / Explanation of ranking calculation: Rcherz ranking is based on your results (score)in qualification round of competition. We separately calculate the ranking of an archer in his/her country and also his/her international ranking. We also calculate the ranking for a certain type of bow, gender and age category. Since there are many different competitions (such as international, national, world ranking...), we have decided to focus on various parameters which ...

Supported formats

Indoor Name 3spot 40cm (max 10) FITA 2x18m 18m 18m 10ends, 3 arrows per ends 10ends, 3 arrows per ends FITA 2x10m – Under 15 10m 10m 10ends, 3 arrows per ends 10ends, 3 arrows per ends 3spot 60cm (10) FIAT 2x25m 25m 25m 10/3 10/3 3spot 40cm Archery 24 24 18m distances 10ends, 3 arrows per ends 10/3 mean 10ends, 3 arrows per ends Outdoor Name ...


How to enter the results? Inthe menu(on the left side ofthe screen)click on thefirst itemcalled "Results"(locateddirectlybelow the picture). Once you have clicked on "Results" , a new page opens, where are 2 blue buttons entitled "Fill in missing results" and "Add practice results". "Add missing results" "Add practice results" After you have clicked on "Add missing results", a list of competitions displays where you have not yet enter the results. You can enter your results to ...


Find your archery friends You can search for friends through clicking on the button "Friends" (on the left side in the menu, below the photo). Once you have clicked on "Friends" a new page will open: By clicking on the tab "Find", you can search for friends on "Rcherz". You can enter the search parameters in the filter located on the left side of the screen. In the last step, you click on the archer you would like to add to your friends and you can start "following him". After re-loadi...


Upload your photos You can upload your photos by clicking on "Galleries" (in the menu located on the left side of the screen below the photo). Once you have clicked on "Galleries", a new option will appear "Click to upload new photos or drag and drop them here". Uploading photos can be done as follows: 1. Byclicking on theoption"Click touploadnewphotosordrag anddropthem here". After you have clicked on the option, a new window will appear through which you can select a file from your compute...


Send private message to your friend. You can send a message to your friends via the option "Messages" (in the menu on the left side of the screen below the photo). Once you have clicked on this option, a new window will appear and you can create a new message by clicking on the link "Compose new message". In the displayed window, you can write the name of the archer to the column "To" whom you would like to send a message. In the column "Message", you can write the message you want to send t...


Find competition You can search for the competitions via the option "Competitions" which is located in the main menu ( on the top of the page, next to the "Rcherz" logo). Once you have clicked on this option, a filter will appear with the parameters of the competition ( country, date, etc.). You can enter your desired parameters in the filter which you will confirm by clicking on "Search". If you want to participate in a particular competition, you can click on "Participate in competition...

Archer profile

You profile page always displays the following information: The upper part of your screen shows the basic information such as your country, archery club, sex, and your preferred bow. Below the basic information is located a map which consists of 2 tabs. In the first tab, there are shown the competitions in which you intend to participate. In the second tab, you can find your last results from the competitions. If you click on the pointer on the map, the date and the name of the competition ...

Archery Club

The option "Countries"( in the top main menu) allows you to search for a specific team. Click to open the Archery Club which looks as follows: At the top of the window, the basic information is listed about the club, its location on the map and its logo. Right next to the map is an editing button through which the data can be corrected. Click onthe editingbuttonto displayedit forminto whichyou enterthe necessary data(inindividual tabs).The tabcalled"Map"allowsmoving thepointerto speci...

Home Screen

You can share your statuses and photos with your friends via "Status submit field" located on the "Home Screen". You can write your status in the upper screen box and choose people, you would like to share it with, by clicking on "Edit status permission". You can confirm it by clicking on "Share". The posted status will automatically appear on your "Home screen" and also to people you have selected according to your preferences. Other archers can also comment on your status by clicking on "A...


Inthe top mainmenu,you can viewa list of countriesthat haveregisteredclubsandarcherson the "Rcherz" website under the name "Countries"(the list will appear after clicking on "Countries"). Each country is flagged by its flag, below which the number of clubs and archers is displayed. You can click on the country or flag to see the profile of the country. At the top of the screen, the map of the country is displayed with all locations of the registered clubs (in clusters). Once you have cli...
