You can share your statuses and photos with your friends via "Status submit field" located on the "Home Screen".


You can write your status in the upper screen box and choose people, you would like to share it with, by clicking on "Edit status permission". You can confirm it by clicking on "Share". 


The posted status will automatically appear on your "Home screen" and also to people you have selected according to your preferences. Other archers can also comment on your status by clicking on "Add comment". 





At the top of the screen, you can also upload a photo by clicking on "Upload photo", add a comment and change your sharing preferences. 

The "Home screen" works as a main sharing center where are displayed notifications, competitions (you will participate in or your friends), photos etc. 


If you are interested in the detailed information of a particular competition (you have signed up for), you can do it just clicking on the name  of the competition.